Want a FREE tree for
your yard?
In association with TreeFolks NeighborWoods program and
their partnership with the City of Austin and Austin Energy
Texas summers are getting hotter, and we’re doing something about it. WPNA is organizing the planting of trees throughout Windsor Park to create shade on city streets. Together we will reduce the ambient heat in the neighborhood while also beautifying it. We have identified Windsor Park yards as good candidates for this program.
We are looking for homeowners and business owners to plant a tree on their property within 15 feet of the street. The trees and guidance will be provided for free by the TreeFolks organization as part of their widely popular NeighborWoods program. Join your neighbors in making Windsor Park cooler and more beautiful in the future!
What you get:
- A yard sign which announces your participation.
- Eligibility to receive two native drought-tolerant trees of your choice, one for the front yard near the street, for free.
- Guidance about how to plant and care for your trees.
- We’ll help you plant the tree if you need a hand. We will give you mulch too!

How it works:
- TreeFolks will distribute 800 trees, first come, first served, at the WPNA ECO Fest ’24 Saturday November 2, 2024 in Bartholomew Park. This event is a family-friendly event to showcase topics and activities related to the environment and climate action with free tacos, kids activities, music, and much more!
- You indicate interest by signing up in advance. TreeFolks will reach out to you in October with a reminder before the WPNA ECO Fest ’24.
- TreeFolks’ staff will provide a quick training session to teach you how to plant and care for your trees.
Our ask:
- Agree to plant your trees in the approved location.
- Water your trees every week for two years, with extra water in the summer. This is your promise to provide good tree care.

Want trees for your yard for FREE?
Want to reduce the ambient heat and beautify your neighborhood?
Together as a community we can!
Join your volunteer neighbors!

Help us shade the streets!
CONTACT: climate-committee@windsorpark.info
(512) 536-0465