The votes are in and have been tallied.

On February 10 at the WPNA General meeting we discussed the new development, Bailey at Berkman and announced that we would have an online vote on whether or not the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association would write a letter in support for or a letter of opposition to the developer of the project getting Competitive Housing Tax Credit for the project. You can read more about it here:

The ballot for voting was sent to the voting eligible membership on Saturday February 10th and reminders were sent out on multiple occasions during the week of February 10th through February 17th.

Voting closed on February 17th at Midnight.

Here are the results.

31 in favor of sending a letter of support.

11 in favor of sending a letter of opposition.

0 in favor of not sending a letter at all.

Given those results, the executive committee will be drafting a letter of support for the developer to receive the Competitive Housing Tax Credit.

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