Windsor Park NA General Meeting
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Memorial United Methodist Church Gym, 6100 Berkman Dr.



  • Coinciding with the WPNA meeting, the annular solar eclipse will begin at 10:24 AM, be at its maximum at 11:54 AM, and conclude at 1:32 PM. I am motivated to adjourn the meeting by 11:45. Bring your eclipse glasses.
  • Because of the current problems in Washington, Congressman Lloyd Doggett will not attend on Oct. 14.
  • WPNA was only approved for Bartholomew Park Creek clean-up, but APF thinks that Belfast Bridge @ Broadmoor will be an option under Bartholomew Park project. Pomerleau Park was not approved. No afterparty/potluck at Pomerleau.


Agenda Details
  • 10:00-10:15: Meet your neighbors, have a cup of Talisman coffee, and maybe a treat.
  • 10:15: Welcome – Jeanette Swenson, President
  • 10:20: Citizen Communication ( 2 minutes per speaker please)
  • 10:30: Introduce the slate for 2024 officers: Jeanette Swenson / Meghan Dougherty
    (Candidates bios will be in November WoW. VOTE at the November 11 meeting. Voting will be in-person and online.)
  • 10:40: Mobility in WP, Transportation Committee, Hector Martell: We need your input. Where are the mobility problems in Windsor Park? Where are the successes? Bring your questions, ideas, concerns.
  • 11:05: Discussion: Should WPNA rejoin Austin Neighborhoods Council in Jan. 2024?: Dan Strub and Keith Edwards will lead the discussion. VOTE at the Nov. 11 meeting.
  • 11:15: Budget Presentation, Jeanette Swenson. VOTE on Nov. 11.
  • 11:20: Yard of the Month, Sara Jane Lee
  • 11:25: Approval of the September 9 minutes, Dan Strub, Secretary
  • 11:30: Committee Reports
  • 11:45: Adjourn

Up Coming Events:

October 23-Friday November 3, Early Voting. Polls are open 7 AM-7PM. Sunday 12-6PM
November 7, Election Day. Constitutional Amendment Election
November 4, Fall It’s My Park Day, November 4: Registration

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