WPNA has awarded twenty $1,000 scholarships to 2022 graduating seniors. This continues the legacy of Rebecca Lowe and her family, and the Austin Mennonite Church.
Honoring all twenty of these well qualified, resilient leaders would have been impossible without the hard work of the WPNA Schools Committee and generous Windsor Park residents.
Thank you all.
On June 11th, the WPNA hosted a scholarship breakfast in honor of scholarship recipients and the families and educators that surround them.
Congratulations to our 2022 WPNA Scholarship Winners!
Northeast HS (14 winners): Joel Ordonez;
Aubrey Jackson; Austin Tharp; Kaylah Bridges; Eli
Santostefano; Sui Thawng; Amanique Stanton; Melissa
Arriaga Ramirez; Melanie Valdez; Genesis Jaimes;
Dennise Sanchez; Elizabeth Henson; Brenda EspinosaMartinez; Joycelyn Williams-George
LBJ HS (3 winners): Jazmyn Thomas; Jackie Ponder;
Arteja Rayford
LASA (2 winners): Natalie Murphy; Rebecca Yu
Ann Richards HS (1 winner): Lily Koppen