Our September meeting was largely taken up with a forum for City Council District 1 candidates. Our guest speaker was also Dr. Ted Gordon who is running for Austin School District Board for district 1.
At our next Windsor Park Neighborhood meeting on October 11 we will be hosting candidates from District 4.
Don’t forget to vote on or before November 4!!! There are lots of important positions in this election, including city council, mayor, governor, lieutenant governor, not to mention propositions that will affect our lives in Austin. Windsor Park has the opportunity to be a strong voice in this election, and candidates will take notice of our neighborhood if we have a large voter turnout. The city will listen to us and our needs if we advocate!
This is the map that shows boundaries for City Council District 1 shaded in green:

10-one District map showing part of District 1, which includes north and east sections of Windsor Park
And here’s the map that shows boundaries for AISD District 1