Thank You for Supporting Windsor Park!






We’ll be reaching out to you by email to confirm the details of the sponsorship and to coordinate any other details.

Remember to send us your print ready artwork


The deadline for submission to any month’s newsletter is the 15th of the month before you want your sponsorship to show up in the Window on Windsor newsletter.

For example, to have your sponsorship notice printed in the February issue, your graphic and sponsorship check must be received by January 15th.

Please make sure your artwork is in print-ready form (e.g. jpg, gif, png, or PDF).

If you chose not to use our online payment method, Sponsorship checks can be mailed to:

WPNA, Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 16183
Austin, TX 78761

Please make sure to include the name of your organization so that we can associate the payment with the sponsorship. 


Stay in the Know!


Seven of our eleven 2023 Scholarship recipients being recognized at our June WPNA meeting. Please support our scholarship effort by contributing below through our secure PayPal site.


We're raising money to maintain the beauty and safety of our parks. Shades

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