Please join us, Saturday, October 10th at 10:15 am for the the October 2020 Windsor Park Neighborhood Association Meeting

10:15amWelcomeDan Strub
10:20amYard of the MonthDan Strub
Treasurer’s reportDan Strub
Committee ReportDan Strub
10:30amAISD Trustee Candidate – introduction and brief statementNoelita Lugo
10:35amWindsor Park Climate ShrinkerMartin Luecke,
Barrett Sundberg
10:40amNominations CommitteeDan Strub
10:45amProject Connect and Transportation BondsMayor Adler,
Lonny Stern,
Ann Kitchen
11:15amDiscussion on merits and drawbacks of the transportation
11:30amResolution Supporting Transportation Bond PropositionsDan Strub

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